Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
New Album From Pat Barrett

"I made a promise to myself years ago to only share songs that have helped me in some way. For this album, I have tried to stay true to that promise. Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk humbly…Act, love, walk….for me, these have been the songs that touch every area of my life. The songs that have helped “make sense” of things and also the songs that have helped set the table of communion when not much has made sense at all. Some songs are about matters of the heart and some songs are matter of fact about how things aren’t the way they should be. It felt important to include both. In a lot of ways I see this collection as an invitation to abide in God but also an invitation to change. The type of change that happens when you audit your soul and don’t like what you find. These are the songs I’ve sung at the top of my lungs on Sundays and under my breath on Monday. Songs about faith, hope, love, marriage, kids, questions, regret, moving on…and for me, all of it worship. So I’ve decided to keep all of it on this project. And like anyone who releases an album, I hope you like it. But really, more than anything, I hope that somehow, someway these songs help you like they have helped me."
— Pat Barrett