Human (Deluxe)
New Album from Mosaic MSC

From the opening, “Everlasting Light,” to the closing song “Not Going Back” Mosaic MSC’s music celebrates the beauty of being human and all that comes with it.
“I love the name of this album, HUMAN. Every time we talked about the title it always looked to me more like a question: What makes us human? Or how can I be more human?” shares Carlos Pimentel, songwriter and member of Mosaic MSC. “It’s interesting that we are in a season where staying at home and away from people is the best thing we can do to help one another. We need each other. It is part of what makes us better and what makes us human. This is one of the beautiful things about this album and the timing of it. These songs were created by a bunch of friends in one room together and now it’s going to be heard by a lot of people in different places physically away from each other. This is us reminding the world ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE’. This is a look to the future and the hope that tomorrow will be better. The future of humanity will be different but we will not be alone. We will be together.”