Get Down

Pre-Chorus 1
To live your life
You've got to lose it
And all the losers get a crown
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
I get down
Verse 1
Lavishly our lives are wasted
Humbleness is left untasted
You can't live your life
To please yourself
That's a tip from my mistake
Exactly what it doesn't take
To win you've gotta come
In last place
Verse 2
All I need's another day
Where I can't seem to get away
From the many things
That drag me down
I'm sure you've had a day like me
When nothin' seems to set you free
From the burdens you can't carry all alone yeah
Pre-Chorus 2
In your weakness He is stronger
In your darkness He shines through
When you're cryin' He's your comfort
When you're all alone He's carryin' you
Chorus 2
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
I get down
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
I get down He lifts me up
Ev'ry time I'm down
The Lord lifts me up
This valley is so deep
I can barely see the sun
I cry out for mercy Lord
And You lift me up again
I get down I get down
I get down I get down

Ben Cissell, Bob Herdman, Mark Stuart, Tyler Burkum, Will Mcginniss


Grace & Mercy



Recommended Key(s):




Scripture Reference:

Mark 10:31