“Who am I that the highest King
Would welcome me
I was lost but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me”
Who does God say you are?
As believers, this is such a monumental concept to grasp and to meditate on. Our identity resides in knowing ourselves in Christ and living within the stability of knowing you are who God says you are. Who are you that God would want to rescue you? That He would choose to give up His life for you? That He wants to bless abundantly? Let’s look at some declarations scripture makes over you:
I am God’s workmanship, created in Christ unto good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
I am an ambassador for Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20)
I am part of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people. (1 Peter 2:9)
I am greatly loved by God. (Romans 1:7; Ephesians 2:4; Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4)
That last statement can make your heart flip or your body feel like it’s receiving a much-needed supernatural hug. You are G R E A T L Y loved by God. The God of all creation, the God of everlasting glory, the God who is and has everything loves YOU. He loves you G R E A T L Y.
I am born of God, and the evil one does not touch me. (1 John 5:18)
I am complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power. (Colossians 2:10)
So obviously, God thinks you’re a pretty big deal. You’re royalty, you’re His workmanship, you are made complete in He who has all power and authority. You were created to love, be loved, and to serve all for the glory of the kingdom. That makes YOU and all of the things God has created you to be important. God sees you as valid and needed.
“Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God
Yes I am
In my Father’s house
There’s a place for me
I’m a child of God
Yes I am”
“I am a child of God”. We hear that phrase so often within our congregations that I believe we start to numb out the meaning of it and how it applies to our everyday lives. I once heard a professor at my university say, “The stronger our understanding of our identity in Christ becomes, the more our self-worth grows”.
We have times, especially as creatives, where we can be insecure, we can feel as though we aren’t good enough or we’re not able to take on big challenges. We feel like maybe we are just another writer, just another worship leader, perhaps an unimportant and unneeded contribution to the creativity and ideas being tossed around by our culture. You may have asked yourself hard questions like, “God can I really do this? I mean, I know you called me to it, but am I good enough? Why bring me into this when there are people all around who are so much better?” To which the Holy Spirit gently answers and says:
“Just. Stop. Who are you?”
You are a child of God. That can never be threatened or taken from you. While everything around you and about you changes, this is the one thing about yourself that will stay constant. If God says you are going to do something big, if He says that you are going to be successful in something then guess what—He gave you those dreams with the knowing that you WILL and CAN do it. We begin to doubt ourselves and the power of God when we chose to put our faith in any of our other self-schemas. We start to lean on our own strengths, our personalities, or our own interests and find that our self-worth is shaky and unstable. It’s only when you allow your identity to rest in who you are in God that fear leaves and that annoying inner self-critic finally closes its mouth.
“I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am”
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you." (John 15:16)
You are chosen by a God who loves you deeply. A God who is for you and is never against you. A God who has plans for you to prosper. A God who wants a relationship with you. A God who will never let you down.
We haven’t covered all the declarations God makes over you by any means, but, we hope that some of these statements have resonated with you today. We hope they encouraged you and maybe inspire you to dive deeper into knowing yourself as who God declares you to be.
Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
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