Vision Sunday
A set list focused on setting the vision of your church

The Vision Sunday set list is perfect for any service where your team is focusing on overall vision of your church ministry. Begin with The Cause of Christ by Kari Jobe, an upbeat 6/8 tune that focuses hearts on the big picture of what the church is all about. Transition into In Christ Alone with The Solid Rock from Travis Cottrell, without breaking tempo or time signature. This song is a classic that drives home the message we all should be focused on when casting vision. From there, sing This I Believe (The Creed) from Hillsong, allowing your congregation to sing to one another the foundations of what they believe. This will remind them of their common purpose and ignite a momentum for casting your vision. Close with Here For You by Christy Nockels, offering yourselves as a sacrifice to God to do whatever He calls you to do.